HR policy
Petrocas Fuel Services Georgia LLC offers equal employment opportunities to all job candidates/employees – regardless of their skin color, gender, age, citizenship, origin, place of birth/residence, religion or belief, national, ethnic, social affiliation or any other sign.
Company policy applies to all employment stages: recruitment, employee promotion, professional development, etc.
Also, the important part in PFSG HR Policy holds our proficiency trainings, employee development and constant motivation. For this purpose, the multi-step system of permanent evaluation is used which takes into account job knowledge and professionalism.
Career Benefits
- Safe and Friendly Working Environment
- Private Health Insurance
- Bonuses to Salaries
- Paid Time off
- Career Development
Current Vacancies
Batumi terminal driver-technician
Tbilisi Terminal Driver-technician
Tbilisi Terminal Mechanic
Archive of Vacancies
Tbilisi terminal driver-technician
Tbilisi terminal Operator
Batumi Terminal Shift Manager
Technical Service and Jet Fuel Monitoring
Health, Safety and Security Manager
Purchase specialist
Tbilisi terminal driver-technician
Tbilisi terminal Operator
Office Housekeeper
Fuel tanker driver (B, C, E category) – Samtredia
Tbilisi Terminal Shift Leader