According to JIG regulations, 3-day (on 17-19 December, 2024) refresher training was conducted for our operational and technical/maintenance employees

Appropriate training was conducted for the company’s operational and technical/maintenance employees in order to strengthen their professional skills. The three-day training was devoted to HSSE, Fuel Quality Control & Operation and conducted by the JIG certified inspector/trainer. At the training the participants got acquainted with the following topics: Photo Gallery:


The construction of the Aircraft refueling station at the Aleksandre Kartveli Batumi International Airport was officially completed/Opened in September 2024. The construction of the refueling terminal started in November 2023 and was completed in 9 months. From the planning point of view, our refueling station will simultaneously perform the function of the jet fuel warehouse…

16.10.2024– Increased number of Passengers in 9 months of 2024, Summary

Number of Passengers served at Georgian Airports Increased by 26% in 9 months of 2024. According to the data compiled by the Civil Aviation Agency of Georgia, in January-September 2024, Georgian airports served 5,686,748 passengers with regular and non-regular flights, which is 26% more than the number of passengers received in the same period of…

Batumi International Airport – The construction of our new aircraft refueling station is in active phase

As aware, the main activity of “Petroсas Fuel Services Georgia” LLC (Brand Name Gulf Aviation) is jet fuel import and refueling service providence to the Airlines and state entities. For this purpose, our terminals continuously receive, store and issue aviation fuel throughout Georgia. Due to the increased passenger flow and demand at Batumi International Airport,…

Increased number of Passengers in 6 months of 2024, Summary

01.08.2024 – Increased number of Passengers in 6 months of 2024, Summary Number of Passengers at Georgian Airports Increased by 30% in 6 months of 2024. According to the data compiled by the Civil Aviation Agency of Georgia, in January-June 2024, Georgian airports served 3,220,599 passengers with regular and non-regular flights, which is 30% more…

Refueler/Bridger Overfill Prevention and Grounding Controller

PFSG fully operates according to local and international standards, following European, American and worldwide best practices and constantly implementing and developing new technologies. This time, Dispensing Station of Gulf Aviation Tbilisi Terminal was equipped with the Refueler/Bridger Overfill Prevention and Grounding Controller monitoring the liquid loading from the reservoir’s bottom which is one of the…

New jet fuel tanker/refueller

“Petrocas Fuel Services Georgia” LLC is actively continuing to renew its transport fleet in order toimprove the company’s services at all airports. Following the company’s standardization principle, a newrefuller was added to our fleet, which like others purchased in the past years, was specially designedaccording to our requirements by one of the leading American companies…

Summary of the first quarter of 2024

According to the Civil Aviation Agency, in the first quarter of 2024 Georgian airports served 1,415,188 passengers, which is 35% more than in the same period of 2023. Tbilisi International Airport served 913,882 passengers according to January-March 2024 data. The increase compared to the same period of 2023 is 28%. As for the flights, airport…

Annual membership certificate of Joint Inspection Group (JIG)

Gulf Aviation received annual membership certificate of Joint Inspection Group (JIG) in February, 2024. The Joint Inspection Group (JIG) is the world-leading organization for the development of aviation fuel supply standards covering the entire supply chain for Aviation Fuels from refinery to wing-tip. Its Standards are followed by over 100-member organizations globally, operating at more than…

Summary of 2023 year

24.01.2024 – 2023 Summary According to the data summarized by the State Civil Aviation Agency, in 2023 the airports of Georgia served 6,013,995 passengers in total with the regular and non-regular flights, which is a record figure for the country and a 36% increase compared to the same period of 2022. Tbilisi International Airport served…

Aviation Fuel Operations and HSSE Training in line with the latest JIGRegulations has been completed

For the purpose of professional and technical development, PFSG provided its technical employees the96-hour Aviation Fuel Operations and HSSE Training in accordance with the latest JIG requirementsunder the guidance of an experienced Aviation Fuel Operations Trainer and JIG certified inspector. Thetraining included the following topics: The training took place on November 6-18, 2023 in Tbilisi and was led…

Summary of the 9 months of 2023

According to the data of the Civil Aviation Agency of Georgia, in the first 9 months of 2023, the international airports of Georgiaserved 2,470,005 passengers, which is 38% higher than the data of the same period of 2022. According to the data of 9 months, Tbilisi International Airport served 2,764,471 passengers, which is a 27%…

Rescue operation in Chkhorotsku

02.11.2023 Our technical team assisted the State Rescue Service in the operation of fire extinguishing in Сhkhorotsku.

Additional measures to protect the pipeline/Hydrant System from corrosion

Cathodic protection is a technological part of the system PFSG uses to ensure safety and integrity of its pipeline/hydrant system. Metal rods called anodes are connected and placed in close to the pipeline. Anodes become more susceptible to corrosion, bearing the burden of the corrosion in order to protect the buried pipe. The system is…

Rescue operation in Sairme

06.09.2023 Our technical team assisted the State Rescue Service in the operation of fire extinguishing in Sairme.

New Refueller

The fleet of Gulf Aviation has replenished with one more special truck. This is jet fuel refueller, assembled according to the latest civil aviation standards. The tank capacity is 13,500 liters. Scope – refueling service of aircrafts in Tbilisi International Airport.

Summary of the First & Second Quarters of 2023

17.08.2023 Summary of the First & Second Quarters of 2023 In January-June 2023, the passenger flow of Georgian airports equaled 100% of the pre-pandemic level. In particular, according to the data of the Civil Aviation Agency of Georgia, in the first six months of 2023, the international airports of Georgia served 2,470,005 passengers, which is…

Rescue operation in Shovi

We express our condolences to the families of those who died as a result of the devastating landslide tragedy in Shovi and wish a speedy recovery to all the victims.. Our team is at the tragedy place and helping the state rescue service to operate.

New Semi-Trailer

Based of increased product demand, our fleet of fuel trucks was upgraded with the brand-new semi-trailer this summer, which was made by special order by one of the leading Turkish companies in this field – ÖZTAŞ TRAILER TANKERS TURKEY. The semi-trailer is equipped with a 34,000-liter stainless steel tank. Scope of service – aviation fuel transportation to our country’s western airports.

Renewed Laboratory Accreditation

This year Gulf Aviation’s jet fuel testing laboratory successfully underwent accreditation procedures and was awarded the Certificate of the Georgian Accreditation Center for another 5-year operational period. Laboratory Certificate 2023-2027

Summary of the first quarter of 2023

In the first quarter of 2023, the passenger flow in Georgian airports exceeded the pre-pandemic level. According to the Civil Aviation Agency, in the first three months of 2023, Georgian airports served 1,046,558 passengers, which is 50% more than the number of passengers in the same period of 2022, and compared to 2019, this is…

New Jet Fuel Delivery Truck

A new semi-trailer was added to the fleet of fuel trucks of “Petrocas Fuel Services Georgia” LLC, which was made by special order by one of the leading Turkish companies in this field – Nursan. The semi-trailer is equipped with a 32,000-liter aluminum tank. Scope of service – aviation fuel transportation.

Summary of Year 2022

According to the summarized data of 2022 provided by Georgian Civil Aviation Agency, the flights in Georgia were restored by 88%, and the passenger flow by 85%. Georgian airports served a total of 4,411,733 passengers, which is 78% more than the number of passengers registered in the same period of 2021. Last year, Tbilisi International…

Passengers Flow – August 2022

During the 8 months of the current year, according to GCAA information, Georgian International Airports have registered 2,806,985 domestic and international passengers, which is a 103% increase compared to the same period. In total, airports had 2,498 international flights, which includes both regular flights and charters. The dynamics of flight recovery compared to 2019 is…

Productive summer and a significant increase in passengers flow

According to GCAA, during the 7 months of 2022, Georgian International Airports served a total of 2,252,973 passengers, which is 128% more compared to the same period of 2021, and the recovery of passenger flow compared to the pre-period period is 74%. In the first 7 months of this year, Tbilisi International Airport served 1,517,941…

Passengers Flow in June, 2022

During the past 6 months of 2022, Georgian International Airports have registered 1,709,625 international and local passengers, which is 190% increase compared to the same period of 2021. Specifically in June, airports operated 1,769 flights local and international flights and registered 386,716 passengers. As for the domestic flights, 895 passengers were registered at Mestia and…

Passengers dynamics in May 2022

According to the Georgian Civil Aviation Agency , Georgian International Airports registered 1,322,909 local and international passengers and operated 1,695 flights in May, 2022. This is a 269% increase compared to the same period in 2021. Such an important increase of numbers, means that the dynamics of air transportation in Georgia is rapidly returning to…

Gulf Aviation road fleet has been replenished with new 35 m3 refueling truck

  Petrocas Fuel Services Georgia has purchased a new and most modern refueling truck, which was produced on a special request by the leader of this industry – “ProFlo Industries” (part of the leading world service group PrimeFlight Aviation Services). “ProFlo Industries” provides major world airports and service companies with the refueling equipment built with…

April Dynamics and Q1 Summary

Georgian International Airports registered 265,690 local and international passengers and operated 1,393 flights in April, 2022. This is a 155% increase compared to the same period in 2021. These numbers mean that, the dynamics of air transportation in Georgia is rapidly returning to the most active and fruitful period, that is before pandemic period  of…

Passenger flow by March, 2022 and preparations for summer season

The dynamics of air transportation in Georgia is rapidly returning to the most active and fruitful period, that is before pandemic period  of 2019 year. By march 2022, Georgian International Airports have registered 255,130 local and international passengers and have operated 1,541 flights (both local and international). In addition to march’s positive dynamics,  during the…

Passenger flow by February, 2022

In February 2022, in total 1,163 local and international flights were operated at Georgian International Airports and 213,950 passengers were registered, which is 725% more than the same period of 2021. In addition, in January and February 2022, a total of 444,953 international and domestic passengers were registered at Georgian airports, which is a record…

Positive start

2022 has started with a very important and positive results. According to the Civil Aviation Agency, 1,324 domestic and international flights were operated in January and 231,003 visitors were registered, which is an increase of 1,267% compared to January 2021. Also, the number of international travelers that was recorded before the pandemics (January 2019) has…

Dynamics of passenger traffic in December and summary of 2021

The main challenge in the field of civil aviation remains a pandemic, but unlike 2020, 2021 turned out to be quite fruitful and Georgian Civil Aviation Agency considers this year as the year with the first positive results. During 2021, Eurowings, Bees Airline, FlyArystan, Air Arabia Abu Dhabi, Middle East Airlines, Air Manas entered the…

Passengers flow dynamics by November 2021

According to the Georgian Civil Aviation Agency, in November, Georgian Airports served a total of 227,967 passengers and operated 1,349 international and domestic flights. In the last 11 months (January-November), 2,230,728 passengers were registered, which is a 175% increase compared to the same period of 2020. Georgia maintains a leading position among Eurocontrol member states…

Passengers flow October 2021

In October, Georgian airports served 280,026 passengers and operated 1,602 international and domestic flights. Over the past 10 months (January-October), 2,002,761 passengers were registered, which is 141% more than in the same period in 2020. With the support of the Government of Georgia, air traffic is being restored, international flights are being renewed and new…

Number of passengers according to September’s data

Despite the epidemiological situation, as a result of active work of the Georgian Civil Aviation Agency, the number of passengers is increasing from month to month and is gradually returning to the most active, 2019 mark. The number and frequency of flights are also increasing step by step. In September, Georgian airports served 327,004 passengers…

Restored flights and passenger growth dynamics

The Civil Aviation Agency of Georgia is actively working on restoring the air traffic at its maximum. At this point, 96% of destinations (77), 88% of countries (29), 105% of airlines (39) and 88% of frequencies (385-405) have been already restored by August 2021. Despite the current epidemiological situation in the world, the dynamics of…

Increased passengers flow. Summer makes 2021 year more promising

The dynamics of the air traffic in Georgia is rapidly returning to the most active period, which was year 2019. According to the Georgian Civil Aviation Agency, for the moment 38 airlines are already operating on 72 destinations of 27 countries. Compared to the same period of 2019, 74% of flights (375-395 frequencies per week)…

1H 2021 Passengers flow

The Georgian aviation industry is gradually returning to its normal operational rhythm and in June has already restored 53% of the destination. Also, were restored 57% of flight frequencies and have returned 58% of the airlines to the country’s navigation system. All these contributed to the active growth of passengers flow. According to Georgian Civil…

Post COVID-19 period, open borders and 2021 passengers flow

Though, the global pandemic had a major impact on the number of aviation passengers in 2020, which was reflected in a 6 times decrease in passenger traffic compared to the previous year, 2021 turned out to be much more promising. In compliance with all regulations and safety norms, the borders were opened and flights were…

COVID-19 caused more than 6 times decrease of aviation passengers in Georgian airports in 2020

Traveling restrictions and global borders closure due to worldwide pandemic spread affected Georgian aviation passenger traffic significantly. All regular passenger flights to and from Georgian airports where cancelled starting mid-March 2020. Summer touristic season passed completely without international visitors. Slight gradual recovery of flights began in autumn, but the second wave of disease disrupted plans…

In January 2020, the passenger flow in Georgian airports decreased by 3%

According to the United Airports of Georgia, in January 2020 the country’s airports served 314 thousand passengers which is 3% less than in January 2019. At the same time, the decline was recorded only due to Tbilisi International Airport, in all the rest airports of the country there is an increase versus the last year….

2019’s total number of aviation passengers reached 5.2 mln. or +3% to 2018, which is less than expected due to Russian direction ban.

According to the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, in 2019 the country’s airports served more than 5.2 million passengers, which is 3% more compared to the same period of the previous year. The most significant growth was recorded at Kutaisi airport (+42%) due to continued Wizz Air expansion, while Tbilisi International airport…

Despite of lasting suspension of flights from Russian Federation the passenger traffic in all Georgian airports has shown 4% growth in January-November 2019

For last 11 months the number of international visitors to Georgia reached its historical peak – 8,6 million (7,2% raise) and as for passenger traffic in Georgian airports, it exceeded 4.9 million passengers and increased by 4% compared to January-November of the previous year. Georgian airports international passenger traffic stats, 2012 – 2019, 11m

Expansion of the road fleet

  In October 2019 refueling fleet of Gulf Aviation Georgia was increased by the new most modern refueling truck. The refueler with the capacity of 25 000 liters was produced by American company  “ProFlo Industries LLC” according to special Gulf Aviation Georgia order in frames of the refueling fleet expansion program. The new refueler will…