Passengers Flow in June, 2022

During the past 6 months of 2022, Georgian International Airports have registered 1,709,625 international and local passengers, which is 190% increase compared to the same period of 2021. Specifically in June, airports operated 1,769 flights local and international flights and registered 386,716 passengers.

As for the domestic flights, 895 passengers were registered at Mestia and Ambrolauri airports in June, and a total of 5,205 passengers in the past 6 months, which is a 176% increase compared to the same period the last year.

Therefore, according to Georgian Civil Aviation Agency, in June the passengers flow was fully restored at Kutaisi International Airport and compared to the pre-pandemic period of 2019, the number of flights was increased by 21% and number of passengers by 0.02%.  Year 2022 seems to be very promising.

Georgian airports international passenger traffic stats, 2014 – 2022 (6m):

million passengers